Sunday, April 5, 2009

The Only Difference between YNP & OOMP

OOMP--that would be Oak Openings Preserve Metropark, our home park in NW Ohio. I went for a walk today and decided there's really only one BIG difference between the Oaks and Yellowstone:
I can't get lost in OOMP any more. Rats.

Okay, there might be a few other differences like well, super heated water shooting out of the ground, super volcanoes, earthquake faults, bison, wolves, mountains, other stuff like that in YNP and vast mixed mesophytic forests, vernal ponds, and oak savannahs and sand dunes in OOMP. But ultimately for me, the big diff is that I know the Oaks now. I remember the day Tom realized he couldn't get lost any more. He had been the Manager here for 7 years or so. He was getting one of those 7 year "itches." So he changed his lifestyle completely and married me! Then 7 years later we got the boys, then 7 years later we were up to our eyeballs in IEPs and MFEs and other school paperwork, then 7-ish years later, he retired. Nice to have a plan I guess.

But I had a pleasant walk today. Needed to clear the gray matter--there's a Boy Scout thing brewing--so I headed to my quiet place.

The Oaks has a 17 mile "scout" trail meandering through the 4000 acres. We can see hikers on it across the street from our house. Surprising how few of them look over and notice our house--and it's hard to miss! But today I just walked down the road and picked up the trail at the corner. It leads directly to the highest point in Lucas County, Ohio. So for you county peak baggers, here's one for you.

Yep, there it is--reaching towards the heavens from about 750 feet above sea level. Wowza.

Not much of a strain to get there. Well, no strain at all, just a nice walk through the woods.

It's raining now--a nice soaking spring rain, though a bit chilly. Snow is predicted for tomorrow--the kids are off from school, I'm pretty much caught up on projects. I think it'll be a lazy, lay around the house in the jammies kind of day tomorrow. Will someone come over and bake us some cookies?

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