Wednesday, October 12, 2011

And Now a Word from Your Editor

DD, reading a book.  Sorta.
Ack.  This blogging stuff shows how important it is to have some one edit one's work.  Or at least spell check it.  I was checking some links on old posts and found a ton of boo-boos, mostly spelling errors, but a few things that didn't make any sense at all, too.  Did I mention that the writing usually happens late at night when the boys are alseep?

Editor-in-Chief.  Actually doesn't even know I have a blog, much less reads it.
My point here is that I thanks you kindly for not pointing out my ridiculous errors.  I'd also like to say again that when I format pictures into the post, I try really hard to give them a nice, smooth look.  Sadly, blogspot re-arranges almost all of the pics, making the text hard to read in several places.  Ah, well, the price is more than right for this little adventure, so again thanks for keeping your thoughts to yourself about how crappy the posts look sometimes. I be appreciating that.

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