Despite my latest posts all being about my crafty side, my heart truly lies outside. I'm in my hibernation mode now--nearly glued to my sewing machine. But now that we're having those wonderful, gentle February twilights, the thoughts of spring and warmer weather are starting to play around in my head.
And while I honor and respect my peeps who are outside playing now, my bones are having conniption fits. I never expected that at such a young age, I'd be so wracked up by arthritis. What a pain in the arse and bones. Neither of my parents had serious arthritis issues, so I didn't see this one coming. I knew I'd have ankle issues, which I've written about before, but this just bites. Fortunately, being out west in the summer, where it's so much drier really helps a lot. But here in the winter, holy crap, some days my bones just don't seem to want to do anything. Why bring this up now? I stay connected to the outdoors from the indoors thanks to some really great nature bloggers.
So when you need your nature fix, but your body is in rebellion, take a mental hike. It helps keep me going--even when I can't.
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