Saturday, April 30, 2011

T-2 and Sick of Packing Boxes!

I really, really, really shouldn't be messing around on the computer.  After all, I don't have most of the computer gear packed away, and I should by now.  Crap.

So what I did last night when the boys were all asleep was to really learn how to use my scanner.  I installed a new program (thank you kind tech at Canon) and decided to do some of my wedding pics.

It was such juxtaposition to see the London wedding and the tornado damage on the split screen, that I realized I have a lot of pics that I don't want to lose.  So here's a little trip down memory lane to August 13, 1983.

First Presbyterian Church of Maumee, Ohio

Me and DH

Hey Kate and Will~~this is how it's supposed to be done.

Bad Amy & DH, Me and my Daddy

Bad Amy and her Daddy.  Now you know why I fell in love with the two of them.

My Mom and Dad.  Bless their souls.

 Some day, I'll write about our wedding.  Not your normal stuff for us, no way.

And I got a cute surprise from Nanc today!  I love my bloggy friends.  It's so sweet!  Thanks, Lady.

And last but not least,  

Dear FBI,
These are my fingers.  Honest, I have fingers.  You just can't see the little lines, but I promise they exist.  Please adjudicate me asap.
Love, Ranger Anna

1 comment:

  1. Nice going down memeory lane..I think the whole royal wedding is a big waste of money they looked so bored...they should have flown to Vegas...then honeymooned at the Grand Canyon!!
    Hope the packing goes smooth-hope you get your fingerprint OK---the wheel is getting bigger and moving slower I reckon!!
