Thursday, February 4, 2010

Adding to the UFO stack

Since the basement finishing had been moving along so nicely, I decided I could actually add to my stash--given that I now have a place for stash. I've picked up a few more fat quarters, always in parkie colors, and a few new accouterments that I've never had before. Then DH, so inspired by his work up to this time, decided to continue to forge onward and inward--to his man-cave. In order to use his man-cave he needs electricity and to do that it meant moving everything all over the basement again. So while the crafty corner is still there, there's also sawdust everywhere, wires running willier and nillier than before, and the boys put all their video game stuff down there. That junk alone has enough cable to arm a small fortress in wires and junk. The upshot is, no sewing for me for a while--and all that material crying out to me!

And still no job posting!!!! Yikes!!!! Let me see, at this rate, if my job isn't posted quickly, I won't be able to get my fingerprints rejected in time to start work in mid-May. Holy cow. As soon as I see the notice, I'll call and try to get my print cards sent out. What a hoot.

Speaking of hoots, I'm going to be a volunteer 'program presenter' for the Mparks. Most of the part-time formerly-known-as-naturalists were fired (while no one at the top of the food chain was, which totally sucks), so there's a definite shortage of trained formerly-known-as-naturalists available. And here's the big surprise, after I get my local-hokey background check, I can start right away. I don't have to take the training classes. Amazing. I guess working for the Big Boys does help sometimes. And DH is going to go back on the Volunteer Trail Patrol. He was kicked off the year we were in North Dakota because he didn't get enough hours logged in. And the alleged-person who was running the show then wouldn't count his 400+ hours with NPS. Sheesh. Our conviction that folks should get out and be in the parks is just too strong to let silly little things like that get in the way. A little thing like running the park for 30 years. . . . . and then being kicked out as a volunteer.

In other news, niece #2 hasn't dropped her kid yet. They are guessing the little beast is weighing in at over 8 lbs. already. This is daughter #2 of my sister. My sister's first two kids weighed 9-3, and 10-4. (That kid came out as a toddler. We affectionately called him Porkchop.) They've got a name picked out and since they won't tell us, I'm guessing it's on the weird side of the road.

Maybe I'll be able to get to that wonderful stack 'o stash tomorrow. Bliss.

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