Sunday, October 25, 2009

Random Thoughts, October Style, au deaux

I didn't get to my Nevada Barr book yet. I just know I won't put it down once I start, so I'm waiting for that perfect moment to curl up in my Big, Comfy Chair and read for hours.

The autism book addresses issues for younger children. And yes, we've done everything suggested. And the kids still have autism. Oh, yeah, they always will, damn. Now I need an encouraging book about young adults with autism.

Speaking of which, DD went to the Homecoming dance last night. He took his friend Allie, who has Down Syndrome. They've been buddies since they were 3 years old. It was a nice chance for them to do the other stuff that HS kids do. Fortunately, since I drove, they didn't go parking after wards. And boy oh boy, were the girls dressed up! Holy cow! My mom had a hard time getting us to dress up as teens, because it was going out of style--now it's back big time! Sheesh!

And a special shout out to Ranger Pi, who is now a travel writer in Quito, Ecuador. It's a dang shame that NPS lost this guy--we need more Ranger Pi's!!!!! Since Pi's a writer, his blog promises to be wonderful. Here 'tis: Adios!

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