First, I'll post a raft of pics from this summer. It's hard to do on Blogspot, and since I'm on a public wifi system, it's also slow. But here's a sampling.
This is my summer "sewing" room. Okay, it's the dining room table and our 'foyer' and recycling center. |
"Sewing room" from the other direction, so you can see the entire kitchen. Little bit smaller than at home.... |
Some of the Mad Crew at Thanksgiving Dinner. |
More Mad Crew (hey, that's me!) at Thanksgiving Dinner. BW must be kinda upset with DH there..... |
More from Thanksgiving. That's Ranger Carol imparting wisdom and funny stories. Miss ya, Carol! |
More Thanksgiving fun! And a great pic of the Divine Ms. K. |
Tom's buddy from U of Toledo, now from Lost Wages, Jim B and his wife Sandy were here for a couple of days. Since President O. had his pic taken in the Lower Hamilton Store at OF, we had our pic taken, too. |
That's all of us at the Lower Ham. FTD, DH, me, DD, Jim and Sandy B. |
The obligatory Bison bull in rut picture. The Hayden Valley in August is the coolest place on the planet. |
Yeah. I'm lookin' at you. And I'm not likin' what I see. |
This bull was actually licking this car. Must have had some very tasty bugs on it. |
So that's all for now. I actually have to go earn some money. What a great job.